Slip & Fall Injuries
Louisville Personal Injury Lawyers
Were you seriously injured in a fall? You may have legal options to recover money for the injuries and damages you suffered. We will discuss your options. Free initial consultation.
Call us. 502.553.4750.
Representing a seriously injured individual against a business that caused a dangerous condition to exist on their premises has its challenges, and it is important to consult with an attorney immediately to ensure proper notice in given to the offending business. Timely notice is extremely important. Notice creates a duty for the business to preserve evidence. Notice also provides information as to any policies of insurance that may be available to pay your medical bills.
The injuries you suffered in a fall can be very costly in terms of aggravation, pain, disability, lost wages, and mental anguish. Time off work and medical bills resulting from your injuries disrupts both you and your family. Even a short loss of income from being off work can create serious financial distress for most Kentucky families. Let us help get you back on your feet.
We will assist you in getting the claims set up with the various insurance companies that have responsibility regarding your loss.
Our goal is to ensure that you’re fairly compensated for the injuries and damages you’ve suffered, both physically and financially. We base our approach on your financial, physical, and emotional needs and get things resolved quickly and effectively so that you can put your accident behind you as soon as possible. However, we are committed to taking your case to court in instances when insurance companies are acting improperly.

Slip & Fall Injuries
Call now for a free consultation with an attorney. 502.553.4750.
Learn more, or check out our FAQ for further questions.
If you think a company has failed to provide a safe environment
or has acted in-properly, call us. 502.553.4750.